Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Rio Febrian

Hi Dear..
lately koq gw feeling bored bgt ya.
kt neni, lg feeling Rio Febrian..hehe...jenuh gitu lho...
ternyata rasanya gak uenak bgt.apa aja jd salah...
I Think, im just tired..
yes, tired of all this...

Thursday, March 15, 2007


seneng deh...finally after 2 years waiting, Buku Harry Potter keluar lagi!!!!
the 7th & Final Harry Potter book "The Deathly Hallows", on July 21th,2007..
must be dazzling!!! sparkling..whatever...it will be super duper great!!!!
I can't wait!I can't wait!!

hmm..bisa gak bisa tidur...
I miss you all...
duuh...awas aja kalo harry mati...
bs2 kayak wkt Dombledore mati..hiks!tears away...

Ok..We'll see...

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Ais' Bday

6 Maret 2007, Ais Bday!!!
3 tahun...
My Big Boy...
Pagi-pagi...tiup lilin, make a wish...(katanya Mau cepet2 jadi dokter mata..(??)hehe..)
tapi karna blm ada titie, jd tiup lilin lagi d malemnya..pake magic candle..serruuuu!!

7 Maret 2007, The Party...
at mentari montessori...
Special day...
with McD n Friends...
Ais keliatannya seneengng baget..loncat2 terus..ga bs diem..
pulangnya..hmmm...Buka kado!
dasar bocil...acara ini yg plg ditunggu..haha...

Dear Love,
Seneng bgt liat kamu so Happy those day..
tapi yg penting...
doa panjang Ya Allah...
semoga Ais jd anak Sholeh..pinter...
dan selalu jd sumber kebahagiaan ayah-bundanya...

I LOve You...